
Card Less Transaction

In recent years, market orientation has changed to customer orientation. After understanding the importance of the simultaneous use of different channels of banking and financial companies, we focus on Digital banking, especially when it comes to maintaining a relationship with the customer. To provide hassle free and convenient banking services to the customers by leveraging technology, Shangri-La Development Bank has launched Card less Cash Withdrawal through ATM. This feature allows mobile banking users to withdraw cash from Shangri-La ATM Machines without using physical VISA Debit Card. Costumer can enjoy the Debit Card service from Mobile Banking system or Cash Withdrawal. For this feature costumer must register in Mobile Banking and must have fund transfer feature available.

Following are the Instruction for Card less Transaction:

  1. Please kindly login the mobile banking of Shangri-la Development Bank. Please Make sure you have the internet access.
  2. Then Please Select Cardless withdraw option from mobile banking.
  3. Please Enter the required amount. Please make sure that the amount cannot be less than 500.00 and the maximum limit is 25,000.00.
  4. Please Select your account number and press the submit button.
  5. Please check your Amount and Account Number than Confirm your transaction.
  6. Please Enter your Mobile Banking Pin.
  7. Then the OTP will be generated in your mobile number for the further transaction.
  8. Please go to ATM Machine and select the Cardless Transaction button.
  9. Please select the comfortable language.
  10. Please enter your mobile number. Please make sure that the mobile number should be the same number which is registered in your mobile banking.
  11. Please enter the amount. Please make sure that the amount should be as same as the previous amount you entered in mobile banking.
  12. Please enter OTP which you have received in your mobile.
  13. Receive your Cash from ATM Machine. Please make sure you won’t receive the money if the information is not correct.

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Stay vigilant against online scams and protect your financial security by never sharing your OTP (One-Time Password) or sensitive information with anyone.
